Luke Danger turned 8 months old this past Saturday! I can not believe he is that old already. Where has the time gone. He is now mobile and fast. He…
Author: Kristin Rauch
tiny block therapy
This week I got 4 Farmer’s Wife blocks done. I am hoping to do more than 2 a week so I can catch up to the group and be in…
overdue thank you
Thank You cards for my birthday have been on my list for well months, since my birthday! ;) I finally knocked them out the other night. I am a…
Blue Wednesday
I have decided two things from writing this post. 1. I wear a lot of blue. Even though I only am sharing two outfits this week, thinking back, I am…
put your feet up
This super quick project has been on my list for months, since I bought the ottoman for $6.99 at Goodwill. I didn’t buy a new chair for Luke’s nursery, instead…
furture crafter?
Future Crafter? I don’t know, but he sure likes to help his mommy. Or maybe just distract her with cuteness. This lovely tape measure managed to keep him occupied for…
Swoon Block 2
Oh my I love this quilt more and more. Block #2 The Red fabric is Amy Butlers Lotus Wall Flower in Cherry, the yellow is Denyse Schmidt Flea Market Fancy…
Quick Thrift Thursday
My Thursday was a little different this week. Luke and I had a lazy morning and then went to a friends house to play with some little friends for the…
adventures in fashion
So I was a bit more experimental this week with my outfits. I have to say that I definitely am having more fun with fashion since I have lost some…
jumping on the bandwagon.
So I did I ordered my Farmer’s Wife Book and joined the Flickr group and started this year long project that I just couldn’t stop myself from getting addicted to. …