What I Pin and Why. A little late, but whatever! ;) I have been dreaming and scheming up ways to revamp my backyard and patio area on the cheap. :)…
Author: Kristin Rauch
Dedication Prep
We are having Luke Dedicated at our Church on Sunday! He is 5 1/2 months old, where has the time gone? I am lapsing in doing his monthly posts but…
What I Pin and Why!
I thought I would start a new weekly(hopefully) feature on my blog. I am so enamored with pinterest that I wanted to share a pin weekly and why I pin…
Happy Happy Mother’s Day!
I know it’s almost over but I just wanted to give a shout out to all the mom’s out there on this Mother’s Day. :) (my beautiful Mom and Luke)…
Good Friday!
It’s Good Friday and I sit here remembering, waiting, and playing. :) I am remembering my Father in Heaven who gave his life for me. I am blessed beyond measure….
I pin! Do you?
pinterest! Have you heard of it? Oh my gosh it’s wonderful! I was always bookmarking stuff in the past, when I liked it and then I would lose track of…
we’re here
We are here enjoying life. Luke is teething so he is loving anything fabric to suck on. I finally made him a crinkle owl. :) He loves it! I have…
life….or something like it
Life after having a baby is so dramatically different than what you think it will be. Yes it is filled with sweet baby smells, coos, smiles, clothes, and a myriad…
So I started out a couple of weeks ago with an idea to make an Alligator stuff animal. :) Not as easy as I thought. The pattern looks perfect for…
3 months old!
Well 7 days ago he was 3 months! :) Life goes so quickly around here it’s ridiculous sometimes.We didn’t have a 3 month appointment so I am not sure how…