My new pet project.So I had this ephiphany today while driving. Why not GIVE away items I make, and not necessarily to people I know. So I started a facebook…
Author: Kristin Rauch
Yesterday I procrastinated all afternoon by making these!Today I procrastinate by posting about it. : )(p.s. I did work all morning both days, sooo….)
Lisa Leonard Designs Jewelry GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
Lisa Leonard Designs Jewelry GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!! Kathleen over at Grosgrain is having a wonderful giveaway. Check it out if you can. Lisa Leonard has fabulous jewelry designs that I must…
I found two of these upholstered cubes maybe about a month ago on the curb. They were not very pretty but seemed in good condition and I knew I could…
Flea Market Saturday
Hi All! My parents and I met up this Saturday at the Pecatonica, IL Flea Market for the day. It was huge, and loads of fun. We saw lots of…
Feeling put together! Not.
( A fun little package that will arrive shortly at it’s destination) So I feel the need to write a post about how I constantly feel behind in my work,…
Craft space snippets
Currently my craft space is temporary. It is in the smaller bedroom upstairs across from ours, and when we do have a baby it will become the nursery. After that…
Renegade! Yeah
So I was able to make it to the Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago today, with my friend Tricia & her baby, Zeke. Wow, It was super fun. I have…
hexagons = love
I am so into hexagons lately. This is what I started working on last night. I love the colors. But man it’s going to take me awhile to make a…
Little Hoot
I whipped up this little guy tonight. I have been wanting to make a little owl since making this big guy.He is super easy and fun to make. I have…