top 5

top 5

So I thought I would share the top 5 baby items I couldn’t live without the first month or two and still use all of them weekly or daily. (this excludes the obvious like carseat, diapers, wipes.) ;)

1. aden + anais swaddle blankets
We used these to swaddle Luke when we got home from the hospital because he was a little houdini and could work his way out of the to small receiving blankets. I love them because they are huge, soft, light weight, and cute. :)
(currently don’t use to swaddle but as a light blanket over his carseat while out as it is super windy in Chicagoland)

2. soothie pacifier The soothie pacifier is a similar pacifier to what they gave us in the hospital and the only kind that Luke liked. To this day (when he takes one) he still spits out a normal pacifier super fast. So we always make sure we have one of these with us in a tight spot, such as a late night car ride. :)
(He doesn’t take a pacifier anymore unless his teeth are hurting him and he chews rather than sucks, or we are driving home and he starts to get hungry)

3. Snap’n’go stroller

Yes I have a Bugaboo, but it works as a snap’n’go, infant, toddler, and jogging stroller. Luke being born in the winter the snap’n’go feature was invaluable to us. I just kept him snuggled in his carseat and snapped him in. He would often fall asleep or stay asleep in his carseat so even if he would have been born in the summer I would have used this feature a ton. I did put him in the infant bassinet when we went on vacation in a warmer climate and were strolling all day. But he has graduated to the toddler seat since warmer weather has starting appearing. I do still use the snap’n’go when out for a quick errand or when shopping with a someone who can push a cart. :)
(I use this almost everyday in snap’n’go and regular stroller form while running errands or out walking)

4. Burp clothes

I didn’t link since I made most of mine myself. I do have some cloth diapers we use around the house since they aren’t as nice. But I always make sure I have the ones I made to take out with us. They are fabric with terry cloth on the other side and larger than the average cloth diaper. I love them. Shameless plug here, I should be selling some in my etsy shop soon. :)
(Still use these everyday and not just one a day!)

5. Mamaroo

I love this thing! ;) We did get a bouncy seat and travel swing at our showers, but I decided to purchase this with a special coupon I had. I was not disappointed. He loved it as a baby and still hangs out in it happier than in a bouncy seat or swing if I need to be running around the house doing some housework. Not that he doesn’t like the other two, this seat just had the ability to calm him and put him to sleep like the other two did not, and sometimes when he was still a newborn you just have to put a baby down for your own space, to take a shower, or throw a load of laundry on, and this was practically a seamless transition from my arms to seat.
(We use this 3-4 times a week depending on schedule and what mood he is in when I need to shower or do housework)

Okay those are my top 5! I do want to express all these opinions are my own and I was not paid or compensated by anybody to write this. I just want to share what worked/works for me in the even that it will help another mom out there. :)

Thanks for stopping by!

One thought on “top 5

  1. these are a great bunch of picks!!! i am not sure what i would say mine are. i love the snap and go bugaboo. that is really cute i was hoping for something like that but in the end frugality won out.

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