Sunday musings

Sunday musings

Last night I made a couple lady bugs from this Amy Butler book for a little lady who turned one recently. I love the way they turned out.I also made the cover of my new journal. I am trying a new style of journaling this month, each page is going to be more like a scrapbooking of my feelings and thoughts. I found this great journal full of craft paper pages at Borders.
I planted some mums in these great white stone planters I bought this spring at IKEA of all places. There is one on each side of my front steps. I am not showing you the whole stoop yet as my door is in the process of being striped and painted and I am getting a new screen door this week. So right now it is far from attractive.
I leave you thisSunday with this gorgeous Hexagon afghan. I am sooo in love with the colors and and had a major crush on hexagons lately. I think I will start one for a winter project.

One thought on “Sunday musings

  1. those ladybugs are so cute!! And you should definitely do that hexagon blanket- if I knew how to crochet, I would do one too- they are stunning.

    – Julie

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