Renegade! Yeah

Renegade! Yeah

So I was able to make it to the Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago today, with my friend Tricia & her baby, Zeke. Wow, It was super fun. I have been to the Christmas craft fair before, but this one was so much cooler, it’s outside and it seemed like there were more vendors.
I saw a ton of new cool artists I hadn’t heard of before like, k studio, little korboose, circle street, BaumBirdy, and uncommon. And a few favorites like Red Velvet Art, The small object, and something beautiful. So many beautiful things that I would have loved to take home, but alas my pocket book is only so big. : )I was shopping for some gifts too, which I was able to find, but oh I just wanted to buy it all. It is still on tomorrow(Sunday, I am writing super late Saturday night) and if you live in Chicagoland I am highly recommending you go. I may see you there! Yes, Again! : )

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