I LOVE stacked quilts! This one is so very pretty, this snippet is so great, rainbow goodness, this one, this, & this are all so lovely. Ever since I made…
Author: Kristin Rauch
Sitting Handsome!
I purchased the highchair above at a Children’s resale before Luke was born. It is a Badger Euro II Highchair. I like it’s simple design and that it cost $40.00…
Thrifting Thursday! on Friday
So my Friend Ronda and I went thrifting yesterday and I just couldn’t quite get this post done in time. But I am hoping to make this a weekly installment….
7 months
Luke Danger turned 7 months yesterday! We where in Florida so we took his monthly photos today. This is a pretty accurate photo of my little man lately. Always on…
I have been stitching a little bit lately making some gifts. This one was for the January (yeah I’m super late) From:Me To:You gift. I have this saying in…
Growing to fast
So my baby boy is over 6 months now! I can’t believe it. He is so big. He is a happy smiley baby! Always enjoys a little game of peek-a-boo…
So I turned 28 on June 12th. It is strange! When I was little, grown ups who where 28 years old seemed old, and it was like I would never…
shop update
I updated my shop with a few items. I have a pile of other stuff I just have to photograph and edit. :) Soon! Click on the picture to check…
Hi There!
I decided to switch to wordpress to have more customization to my site. I am still working things out so bear with me as I figure this new journey out….
top 5
So I thought I would share the top 5 baby items I couldn’t live without the first month or two and still use all of them weekly or daily. (this…