I am trying to decide if I should change the color of my coffee table. I purchased this coffee table last year for $15 at a local thrift store. We…
Author: Kristin Rauch
10 Things
Whoa hold the phone! Two post in one day after weeks of absence. hehe!I have noticed a few people do Rachel’s questions and love reading more about people so I…
Getting There
So I have been absent from this space for a couple of weeks! Not planned it just sort of happened.I have been not feeling well lately, and have been sooooo…
So Sorry for not posting this on Friday! I have had the busiest whirlwind week this year and am still recovering today on Monday when I need to be recovered…
I decided after seeing this post on Julie’s Blog that I would take at least one picture each day and label them in order so I can see what I…
It’s a New Year
The New Year always is so nice for me. I love the fresh start, the blank slate, the ability to make the year as wonderful as I envision.(A little girl’s…
Enjoying Time
I am at my parents house right now enjoying all my family that is in. My brother and his wife one of my sisters and her three kids my dad…
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas! I hope you all are spending loads of time with family and friends and are having a wonderful day! I am spending Christmas Eve with my in-laws and…
Happy Belated Hanukkah
We had our annual Hanukkah party on the 19th! It was a blast.We played dreidel, ate ALOT, played other games such as Taboo, Ticket to Ride, Craps, and Settlers of…
Christmas Gifts
Here are a couple peeks at some gifts! Nothing that will give them away. : ) Thanks for stopping by!