I Co-hosted three baby showers this year for three close friends. I will probably be doing at least 2 more next year! Not to mention the countless ones I have been to and am invited too! It’s a baby boom. So Since I haven’t shared any of these pictures yet,(1.May 2.October 3.November) I thought I would do it all at once.
1. My Best Friend had her little man on July 20th, and he is a heartbreaker. Her Baby shower hosted 70 guests (her husbands family is huge) and was at her parents beautiful home.And this is her stinking cute baby! He’s 3 1/2 months old now : )
2. My Awesome friend Ronda had her showers (that’s right) in October, Family and close friends on a Saturday at her cousins, and Church and friends the next day Sunday at where else Church. : )This is the only picture I have of the shower. My co-hostess has more I just have to get them! She is currently having contractions that are getting more regular so we are hoping this week.
3. The last shower was just a week ago, and super fun! It was for a good Friend Sarah. Sarah and her husband Jason are missionaries in the Phillipines, and are on sabatical from there first two year term. They had Baby Ezra 6 weeks early in the Phillipines and he had a rough fight for his life including a serious staff infection and heart surgery. He is doing great and is a super alert and cute 5 month old.And the Happy Family! Aren’t they cute. Ezra is so funny because he is so tiny still but sits up on his own and is so alert. He is so much fun!
So needless to say as much fun as baby showers are, I am a little spent for the year. I am hoping I will just be attending them for a little while.
Thanks for stopping by!