(tree in our upstairs hallway)
Okay so maybe it’s that there are only 15 days till Christmas, or the beautiful snow outside but it’s beginning to feel alot like Christmas.
Yikes. It’s a little worrisome, what if I don’t get everything done. But I am excited too! I love Christmas, being all cozy by the fire with family, presents, games. Remembering why we celebrate Christmas, to Celebrate Christ’s birth.(dining room wall)(our Christmas tree is on the other side of this room undecorated as of yet)
(another picture of the upstairs tree)
This tree makes me happy everytime I see it, which is all the time since I can look at it whenever I am sitting at my computer. : )
(looking up the stairs)
My Map, I found it for a song at a flea market over two years ago and I finally put it up on the only wall left blank that is large enough to hold it. Hopefully someday it will hang in a babies room or play room.(another view of the living room all Christmas’d up)
Oh there is so much I want to do in this room, but all in time. I am a firm believer that a home is never finished it just keeps evolving.
(some cameras with their mini trees)
I collect vintage cameras and this is little look at a couple cameras that aren’t brownies which is what I focus on.
I have to admit I dream of having a giant home maybe even Mansion some day.
But only to fill it with friends, family, children, lite fires, many Christmas trees and the smell of Christmas. For not I am happy in my little home with my husband and when we have a baby it will be filled just right.(our home)
I am remembering the blessings God has given me this season and my home is one of them. Thank You!
Thanks for stopping by!
i love your little pink tree! i have a silver one that makes me smile