I found two of these upholstered cubes maybe about a month ago on the curb. They were not very pretty but seemed in good condition and I knew I could do something with them, especially since they were free.So I first started by stripping of the old fabric and covering them in a simple aqua cotton as a base.
Now they are fresh and clean and ready for some bedazzling.
I have two ideas. One involves lots of crocheted hexagons, which I had already started crocheting in hopes of making a blanket. But after recovering the cubes I thought it would be super cool to make them into a cover instead.
My second idea involves loads of doilies. The other cube is showing you the look of stitching doilies together to make a cover. I am loving this look also but I feel it is less likely to happen. This is almost my whole doily stash pinned on the cube currently and I use them for many other projects. Also I think that the hexagons are more versatile. I have visions of these two cubes in my playroom or family room someday and so the doilies don’t quite fit the style bill. But I do love the way they look.
So if anybody has any input they would like to throw at me. Let me know I am all ears. : )
I think they are both really pretty, but for very different reasons. The hexagons would be a lot more durable and long wearing, the doilies are so fresh and pretty. Hmmm. I don't envy your decision!!
– Julie