Home from the Holidays!

Home from the Holidays!

It’s been a super busy couple of weeks, with our little man, several holiday parties, family in from out of town on my Husbands side, and traveling to my parents for several days. Needless to say, as much fun as Christmas was, we are home and happy to be getting back to a less busy life. :)

Luke is 3 weeks and 2 days old. I can’t believe it. He is still a peanut but is changing everyday and I am trying to enjoy him as much as possible as I know he will continue to grow and change quickly.

Luke is a super happy baby. He is very content to hang out and only gets fussy when he is hungry or needs to go #2. :) He is sleeping well for me at night, in that I get at least one 4-5 hour stretch starting somewhere from 12-1am. He is slowly starting to have a more awake time during the day and it is so fun just to sit and talk to him and watch him look at everything.

I can’t believe how lucky I am. :) I am really looking forward to next week as he will be going for his 1 month appointment. Crazy! I think he has grown so much but we will see next week.

I am hoping to start crafting a little next week. I miss it and am craving some time with my sewing machine. I have so many ideas in my head. :) So if you are here for crafting don’t give up on me. :) I will try and find a nice balance in the future though.

Thanks for stopping by!

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