Little Hoot

Little Hoot

I whipped up this little guy tonight. I have been wanting to make a little owl since making this big guy.He is super easy and fun to make. I have a few little tweaks still but I think he is about ready.

I have been browsing flickr for owl inspiration and found some lovelies.

Kup Kup Land

Poisoned Potato

Ann Wood

Airdrome / Rock Paper Scissors

I have been trying to decide whether to take the leap into a pro account on flickr. I don’t really know what the benefits would be besides be able to load my pictures into various groups, and have the world at large see my work. So if anyone has feed back on that I would greatly appreciate it.

One thought on “Little Hoot

  1. oh my gosh, your little owl is too cute for words!! I love the fabric you used. What a cutie!!

    I find a pro flickr account pretty useful. I have a pro one for personal use, and the knitting one isn't, but I'm thinking of combining my personal and knitting one into the pro account, since it's way easier to find stuff, thanks to all the helpful categories and such.

    – Julie

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