Luke Danger has arrived!

Luke Danger has arrived!

I could not be more in love with Luke Danger who arrived this morning via c-section at 8:34am after 24 hours of labor. He made me work for him, and he is totally worth it. :)
7lbs 9oz 20″ born 8:34am 12/6/2010 4 days past his due date. :)

We could not be happier! I will post full birth story details in a couple days with a barrage of Luke photos.

So excited to have my son share his birthday with a wonderful blog friend leslie’s daughter, born this morning also. :)

Thanks for stopping by!

4 thoughts on “Luke Danger has arrived!

  1. It is about 7 in the morning and I have been lying here staring at this amazing new baby girl when I found your comment and this post on baby Luke . I can not believe that they are sharing a birthday and we are sharing a recovery! I hope you feel good and that we both have a speedy recovery. Hugs for you both, and congratulations ! I can not wait to talk to you more

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