Twirly Fun

Twirly Fun

I found this lovely blog a little while ago and am so inspired by all her awesome clothes. I just fell in love with the Market Skirt and had to make it.As I don’t have any kiddos yet I made it for one of my best friends three year old.Miss D in her Market Skirt

She loved it and apparently wore it for two days straight and tried to sleep in it too. : ) I love this skirt because it was so fresh and modern ( I think the pockets look like owls), and Dana’s Tutorial was so easy to follow.

I also made a skirt for another best friends little 4 year old. I saw this tutu skirt, and this ruffly dress on Dana’s blog and thought it would be perfect for my little friend Chloe, who loves all things girlie. I am loving yellow right now, and thought that pink might be to overwhelming with the style of skirt, so yellow it is. I had to try this skirt on Chloe at church to make sure it fit, and ended up having to take it home to adjust the waist, Chloe asking my 3 times after trying it on when she could wear it. I am pretty sure she loved it. : )Miss Chloe Glammin’ it up

I have many other kids clothing projects in my queue, but it is hard to squeeze them in, and not having kids yet myself I often get the sizing a little wrong and have to adjust things. But it’s okay because it’s totally worth it to see the reaction and thankfulness for a handmade just because I love you gift.

One thought on “Twirly Fun

  1. oh my goodness…how cute are these?! Your versions are beautiful! I really love the yellow one!
    thanks for sharing with me.
    Sorry I'm so slow to respond :)
    – dana

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