Welcome 2011

Welcome 2011

2011 is here! Wild!
I realized several years ago that New Years Resolutions don’t work to well for me. So I have just started setting goals for myself. If I make them great if I don’t, well no big deal. :)

Goal: enjoy my little boy! I feel so lucky that we are able to have me stay at home with him and am so thankful that is what my Husband prefers too.

Goal: take more pictures, and learn to use the manual settings on my camera! (shouldn’t be that hard with a new baby in the house)

Goal: learn to cook well and healthy! I hate cooking, I just feel like it’s a lot of work for something I can just go buy at a restaurant and I never know what to cook or have the right ingredients on hand. But being home all the time now and wanting to be healthier is making me strive to make this goal.

Goal: be fit and active! I have always had issues with my weight and dieting. This year I just want to be healthy and active enough to keep up with my son. I realize I will never be a size 2 and am completely fine with that. I surprisingly felt the most happy with my body during my pregnancy with my big belly and the 24 pd weight gain. :) Weird! So I think that has put a new perspective on my size and view of myself. (p.s. I am at pre-pregnancy weight again, thank you breastfeeding)

Goal: slow down and enjoy friends, family, and time. Not over schedule myself or my family.

Goal: work on my etsy shop! I really want to make more items to sell in my shop and am hoping to make a monthly update.

Goal: continue working on my projects to help people and spread love through handmade items.

That’s my plan at least! :)

Thanks for stopping by!

One thought on “Welcome 2011

  1. wow i am back at pre weight too, i think i am only off by one pound right now. Pregnancy was a wonderful time when i felt beautiful….i have to do some of the same things this year. i think weight watchers is on the horizon for me, hubby too! i hope this year i will sew something or make something crafty again. today we are taking down christmas and starting the new year with a cleaner less cluttered house.

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