Well these “episodes” are taking longer than anticipated. Which is basically the story of my life. LOL. But the Chat and Craft – Episode 2 is live and an little rambly. So here’s my little plea. I will get better. I realized in making a few different things lately that I can rambly or stumble of my words when talking live. When I do a voice over it’s much better. But you can’t do that when you face is on camera. HA!
Anyway Episode 2 is me sharing my storage nightmare and trying to organize and redo all my project bags. Mainly for non Quilty things. But I do share some of my favorite pouches and project bags and have linked them below too.

Show Notes
EPPic Case – by Chasing Tigers. (bottom left) I did link the shop by she is taking a short break right now.
Porcupine Sews Threads – EPP Bunny pattern.
See Through Project Bag – Free pattern by woollypetals. (bottom middle)
LaineRain Designs – Christmas embroidery pattern I was working on. I couldn’t find the one I am working on but I just linked her shop as it’s filled with fun village patterns and more. (bottom right)

Sewing Organizer – pattern by VecherniePosidelki. I can not find the website i ourchased from and her etsy is closed. (top right)
Knit Strawberry Block – Fruity Sweater Pattern by Hip Knit Shop.
Aneela Hoey – Kit Supply Tote (bottom left) + Booklet Pouch patterns.
Running with Scissors Case – Patterns by Annie. (bottom right)

I am sure there are other sources I forget. So please let me know if you want to know anything else I mentioned or shared.
Love and Thanks
Thank you so much for watching and potentially sharing these Chat and Craft episodes. I have lots of ideas and some tutorials coming in the furture. But if theres anything that would be fun for you to here about from me please let me know in th comments and I will add it to the list to chat about.
Also I love hearing about what others are making so on any of my platforms let me know and I will check it out if you have socials.
Thanks for stopping by!