Luke’s Birth Story

Luke’s Birth Story

It all started Sunday the 5th at about 8:30am; I was 40 weeks 3 days pregnant and done J. I woke up with a contraction. The first I had felt. It was exciting but I didn’t want to get my hopes up as I knew lots of people go into early labor and it stops. The contractions weren’t painful just uncomfortable, and they were short and about 10 minutes apart. I was able to doze on and off until around 11am when I woke up because they were getting more frequent. By 1 they had been steadily increasing to 5 minutes apart, and by 3pm they where 5 minutes apart consistently. I called my OB and was told I could wait it out at home or come in it was up to me until my water broke. I opted to stay at home a little longer.

5 weeks old!

By 3:30pm they were a little more uncomfortable and 3 minutes apart, I was unsure of how fast it could go so we decided to head to the Hospital. It’s only ten minutes away in traffic so we got there quick and got checked in and I got checked. I was still 2cm dilated and about 90%effaced. I had been 2cm and 50% effaced since 36 weeks. So they said I could go home or try walking for a couple hours in the halls. We decided to stay and started walking.

At 7pm they checked me again and I was still at a 2cm. It sucked because the contractions were definitely harder to breathe through. So they sent us home. Yeah sucky! The car ride pretty much started escalating things and all I wanted to do was sleep and be in a dark room. The contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and lasting for at least a minute with the longest being 2.5 minutes. Yuck. We had no clue as to when to go back to the Hospital since the contractions were the same frequency as when we left, they were just so much worse. Around 3am I went to the bathroom to try and pass a BM because of all the pressure, and instead lost my mucus plug and had my bloody show. We decided to head back to the Hospital.

We got the ER and went up to L&D, the whole time all I can do is moan through contractions, I am praying at this point that I have progressed enough to stay and to get an epidural. I had originally planned to go un-medicated, but I was exhausted and the pain was so much different then I had anticipated. They got my in and checked me and I was 4-5cm dilated. Yay! Order that Epi. J After the Epidural, I didn’t feel a thing, it was heaven. Within 2 contractions I couldn’t feel anything. They checked me right away and I was at a 7cm so they broke my waters. Unfortunately this is when Luke started to be uncooperative. His heart rate started going all over the place from 76 to 180. They kept shifting my position and he would settle to a somewhat normal rhythm for awhile but would then start to fluctuate again. My OB started talking c-section at this point if his heart rate kept being erratic. Around 6:30 they came in to tell me we were going for a c-section, but decided to check me to see where I was at and found I was a complete at 10cm. So they decided to see how the baby did with pushing. I started pushing at 6:45 and he seemed to regulate and liked the pushing for about 45 minutes, then started to go crazy again. So after an hour and fifteen minutes of pushing we were going for c-section.

Luke and Daddy exploring Luke’s new farm play mat!

We went in for the c-section and he was born at 8:34am with the cord wrapped around his body and shoulder. So I would have had to have a c-section no matter what. I got to see him a few minutes after birth and then Luke and daddy went to the nursery till I was done and in recovery.

My Wonderful Husband took a lot of video of those first 30 minutes and wouldn’t let anybody hold him beside hospital staff, including himself until I got to hold him in recovery. J I wasn’t even expecting that so of course it made me cry and so happy.

Recovery has been going great. They found out from sending my placenta to get labs done on it (normal occurrence for unplanned c-sections) that it was dying off sooner than normal. Being a quarter dead already at 4 days past my due date, which basically means a quarter less blood was being pumped through the placenta. They feel this, plus the cord around his body both contributed to his heart decelerations since he was fine upon deliver. Luke scored an 8 and 9 on his apgar which is great for a c-section baby.

I have to say I never thought I would have a c-section so never bothered to get worried over it. When we found out that is what I was heading for I just felt calm. I was praying the whole time and relying on my faith in Christ that we would both be okay. I felt that my Dr. was very good and tried everything she could to get him out vaginally and only did the c-section because she felt we had no other choice.

Luke Danger has my heart and I love him so much!

Thanks for stopping by!

p.s. The pictures in the post are not birth related due to us only taking video during the process and all the video being on my husbands computer. :)

4 thoughts on “Luke’s Birth Story

  1. this is quite a story!!! Isn't it amazing the peace you have when you find out that the c section was the best for them in the end….even if it is not what we had planned for. Your husband was so sweet to wait for you to hold him first. those little things mean a lot in those first emotional, hormone filled days!!! How are you feeling?

  2. What a wonderful birth story — thank goodness that everything went the way it did. Luke Danger is soooo adorable, and how sweet of your DH to make sure you were one of the first to hold him!

  3. What a great birth story, I'm so glad all ended well and that you are Luke are doing so wonderfully! He is a cutie! And what a sweet husband to make sure you were the first one (other than staff) to hold your baby, that just melts my heart!

  4. This is such a lovely story. Even though it was such a long day for you and things didnt go according to plan. It is so worth it when you see your bundle of joy :) enjoy every minute with him. Luke Danger is such a class name too! x

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