So I started a video Podcast. Lol. I am calling it Craft and Chat very loosely. It’s a Video on Youtube and I hope to take it somewhere but for now I am just starting. Because as we all know sometimes starting is the hardest. So welcome to woollypetals Craft and Chat – Episode 1. This is the “show notes”. Lol. I can’t you all. I am so not anyone. But I know I LOVE ALL THE INFORMATION. So this is me trying to be slightly more official and do more to bring you along in my crafting that doesn’t always make it onto the socials.
Keep reading after the links for some more info on what to expect from this little chatty adventure.
Click the picture below to go to the YouTube Video Podcast if you haven’t already watched it.

Show Notes – Episodes 1
Here are some links and pictures for you. I know I know it’s video podcast you knew what the things looked like. But also pictures are fun and I kinda need them in a blog post.
Cross Stitch Mini – I used my friend Mollie’s Not-So-Spooky Cross stitch Pattern ,backed in black Kona and sewn into a Sawtooth Star mini quilt. The points are a Ruby Star Society fabric line Tiny Frights, called Tossed Candy. And the background is Rifle Paper Co. fabric line Halloween, called October Nights. I used Shasiko Hidamari Thread in color 18 by Cosmo Lecien as well and Black DMC Floss to hand quilt.
Check out Mollie’s Website Wild Olive and her cross stitch and embroidery patterns.

The Candy Corn and Witch Hat minis above are a free FPP Pattern by me. You can find them HERE on my patterns and tutorials page.
The chicken cross stitch is a pattern from Mama Witch Cross Stitch on Etsy, of which I bought several other patterns too. Bottom left.
The Ghost in a Jar I am currently working on is by Wild Blue Bell Patterns on Etsy. Bottom right.

I chatted about my FREE See Through Project Bags . Bottom left.
Also my FREE Patchwork Project Tote with an upcoming zippered placket addition coming soon. Bottom right.

I shared The Capped Quilt, The Ghost Party Quilt. A couple of knitting projects: The Heirloom Cardigan by Katryn Seeburger and a lavender sweater using the Striped me Down Sweater Pattern by KarasKnitENG.
I also share some of my SpoonFlower Fabric I covered a pin board in. Below left. And made a cushion out of for our reading nook. Below right.

I am sure there is more I chatted about so I will take better notes to make sure I link all that I can in the “show notes” from now on.
A little more behind why?
Did you enjoy the Craft and Chat – Episode 1? I hope so. It’s a little bit of an unconventional way TO me to do a podcast. But far easier too since I know how to edit videos and upload to YouTube. Remembering the whole starting is the hardest sometimes….
If I decide to make this more of a podcast that is actual on podcasting platforms I will have to do a little more work to figure that out and potentially change the name. But since this is just a little feature within my YouTube Channel I am calling it Craft and Chat. So bear with me.
I love podcasts. I also love SEEING what people are making. So my friend and I recorded a few episodes and thought we would start a podcast. But it’s hard to schedule two people, think go topics, not make it awkward, and finally edit the whole thing. Not to mention we hadn’t even looked into hosting and all that jazz. So it didn’t happen and I mentioned to her that I was maybe going to try this, was that okay, did she want to join in. And she gave me to go ahead to jump in. Maybe I’ll get her to be a “Guest” someday.
Sharing and Links
Anyway! I love sharing. But sometimes it’s a lot of work to make things happen and have it be “professional”. Something I am not. So this pretty raw version with minimal editing and adding in a few overlay pics is it for now. I hope you enjoy! I love to see what other people are making. So I might see if I can find a hashtag on Instagram that isn’t being used to have people share, so the conversation isn’t just one-sided.
In the future I hope to chat like this first Craft and Chat – Episode 1, just casual sharing of what I have been working on. As well as do some tutorial type videos to share a project you can make along with me.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed for 2 episodes a month. I could use the encouragement. ha!
Find the Craft and Chat – Episode 1 Here.
Thanks so much for stopping by!